Monday, October 8, 2012

Seeds of Empowerment

I don’t know where the time went this last week! I guess I have just been organizing, cleaning, cooking, visiting, and obsessively watching True Blood. It’s nice to have electricity.

 We found a wooden crate outside that I tried painting yesterday to convert into a bench. It looks like a 5 year old painted it. I wouldn’t say the paint here is the best quality.

Katie has been saying good-byes so we have met up with a lot of people recently. Another volunteer who lives nearby brought one of her favorite students into town to meet me. Last year, she was selected to be part of the Bold Leaders program and traveled to America for a month! Needless to say, her English is great and she even helped me find a new fundi. Rumor has it a Form 3 student is prostituting herself and a teacher is sleeping with students at their school. Very sad.

I had a great first day of school. My Form 1 class probably was about equal to my Form 3 class at Chinongwe. They have basically covered everything in the syllabus for the year, so I think I will do review and check their understanding. They were a little loud and obnoxious, but hopefully they will settle down once they get used to me.

Form 2 students seemed dead today. I think they have basically checked out of school and are focused on studying for the NECTA. Form 4 NECTA started today, so they realize their time is coming. Supposedly if they do not pass Form 2 NECTA this year, they will be forced to repeat, or just drop out of school. I will try to do review and practice NECTA problems to prepare them.

Because of the NECTA, breakfast and lunch will be provided for the next two weeks! That’s great news because I thought I was going to starve being at school all day. After lunch my headmaster told me some Americans from “Seeds of Empowerment” are coming. He used to work at Nangwanda Secondary School, which is the other school in Newala. Seeds of Empowerment went there in February and now are returning for a follow-up and coming to educate our students. Basically, they train teachers and students how to teach/learn using smart phones. They will also donate laptops and a projector. It looks like they will be here for about 2 weeks conducting workshops. And with me being an English teacher, I should be pretty involved in the process. I am so excited!

This is the link to a blog of one of the PhD students who came with Seeds of Empowerment in February. She sums up Newala and the Tanzanian educational system very nicely. If you scroll down to February 27th  watch the video. The post from February 6th also details more about issues faced by students.

Here is the link to the Seeds of Empowerment website:

Annndddd just for fun….some PCVs in Dodoma made this video about all the acronyms we use in Peace Corps. I think it’s pretty funny.

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